Monday, March 8, 2010


After looking over the paintings I have completed for my current show, the most popular by consensus is, "Donut Que." Maybe not the best painting, but the most popular, which may have to do with "donuts."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Preparing for shows

Have spent the last couple of days readying images for festival applications this year. This is my third year. First year I attended 2 shows, next year - 3 shows, this year I am going for 4 shows, PLUS 2 gallery shows AND the Sunday Market in Astoria! Maybe I will actually make some money. What a concept.

I could not do this without Jacki's help. She does all the computer and paperwork, keeps me on schedule and gathers information. I don't know how "artists without partners" do it. (This sounds like a self-help group.) Its hard enough to work at growing as an artist and completing the work, let alone, marketing yourself.

I am looking forward to traveling around the NW, being a tourist and meeting new people.